John Lowrie Morrison, also known as Jolomo, is one of Scotland’s most successful landscape painters. His vivid landscapes are favoured among the famou...
Colin Ruffell – Tower Bridge and BusesColin Ruffell became a professional artist at the age of 26 after studying painting, design and printmaking at H...
Becky Mair – JoeyIn May this year Becky Mair won the Fine Art Trade Guild’s best-selling published artist award. The award ceremony was held in Harrog...
Jack Vettriano - Night Geometry Over the last 20 years, interest in Jack Vettriano’s work has grown consistently. He has had sell out shows in Edinbur...
Philip Hearsey – FlutteringWe are delighted to introduce Philip Hearsey our newest sculptor to Union Art. His collection of bronze sculptures are excl...